How to search for text in files windows 7
How to search for text in files windows 7

When selected, the results of the current search will replace the content of the Find Results 2 window.

How to search for text in files windows 7 windows#

To open this window manually, select Other Windows from the View menu and then select Find Results 1. This window opens automatically to display your search results. When selected, the results of the current search replaces the content of the Find Results 1 window. The following options under List results in can be selected or cleared: You can expand or collapse the Result options section. Select any item in the list to enter a preconfigured search string that will find files of those particular types. If this field is blank, all of the files in the Look in directories will be searched. This list indicates the types of files to search through in the Look in directories. For a list of these notations, see Using regular expressions in Visual Studio. If this check box is selected, you can use special notations to define patterns of text to match in the Find what or Replace with text boxes. When selected, the Find Results windows will only return whole word matches. When selected, a Find Results search will be case-sensitive You can select or clear the following option(s): You can expand or collapse the Find options section. Specifies that subfolders of the Look in folder will be searched. Use this option to append the results from the current search to previous search results. You can also can exclude folders and files by prefixing any path or file type with an exclamation mark ( !). You can search for multiple file types by separating them with a semicolon ( ).

how to search for text in files windows 7

The File types option indicates the types of files to search through in the Look in directories. Include miscellaneous files - Use this option to include miscellaneous files, such as files that you've opened but aren't part of a solution.Include external items - Use this option to include external items, such as files like "windows.h" that you might reference but aren't part of a solution.To refine your search, you can select or clear the following option(s): \Shared Code" and when the Find command is executed, it will search both of those folders. The Browse (.) box would now show ".\Code. For instance, if your "Look in" value was ".\Code", you could click the Browse (.) button and navigate to a folder named "Shared Code". Even better, if you've already specified a directory, this button will append the new directory instead of replacing it. You can also use the adjacent Browse (.) button to locate where you want to search. The option you choose from the Look in drop-down list determines whether Find in Files searches the entire workspace, the entire solution, the current project, the current directory, all open documents, or the current document.

how to search for text in files windows 7

The Expression Builder button appears next to the Search box only if you've selected the Use regular expressions checkbox.

How to search for text in files windows 7